rem ======================================== rem Year FileName repair batch file rem from yy to yyyy style rem rem CopyRight Miyama. 2019june rem rem ======================================== rem rem Attention! Prohibitation to change rem this file. Miss Action is sametimes rem very dengerous. rem rem ---------------------------------------- c: cd c:\ set fn=daily_folder md\%fn% cd\%fn% xcopy \%fn%\*.* \BAK%fn%\*.* /s/e del list.lst dir /b ??????wc.txt > list.lst for /f %%a in (list.lst) do (copy %%a 20%%a) dir /b ??????pt.txt > list.lst for /f %%a in (list.lst) do (copy %%a 20%%a) del list.lst copy ????????wc.txt ????????.day del 20*wc.txt copy ????????pt.txt ????????.pay del 20*pt.txt rem --199x repaire-------- copy 209*.day 199*.day copy 209*.pay 199*.pay rem del 209*.day rem del 209*.pay rem --for stakefiles------ copy *.wc *.1wd copy *.pt *.1wp rem --end-----------------------------------