VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form INDI_FRM Caption = "Form4" ClientHeight = 3195 ClientLeft = 60 ClientTop = 345 ClientWidth = 4680 Icon = "IndiSt.frx":0000 LinkTopic = "Form4" MaxButton = 0 'False MinButton = 0 'False ScaleHeight = 3195 ScaleWidth = 4680 Begin VB.VScrollBar Zoom_VSB Height = 495 Left = 4440 TabIndex = 15 Top = 2520 Width = 135 End Begin VB.PictureBox picture1 Height = 2295 Left = 120 ScaleHeight = 2235 ScaleWidth = 3075 TabIndex = 2 Top = 600 Width = 3135 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 0 Left = 0 TabIndex = 1 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End Begin VB.TextBox StarName_TXT BeginProperty Font Name = "‚l‚r ƒSƒVƒbƒN" Size = 9.75 Charset = 128 Weight = 400 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 480 Left = 0 MultiLine = -1 'True TabIndex = 0 Top = 0 Width = 2775 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 1 Left = 0 TabIndex = 3 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 2 Left = 0 TabIndex = 4 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 3 Left = 0 TabIndex = 5 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 4 Left = 0 TabIndex = 6 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 5 Left = 0 TabIndex = 7 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 6 Left = 0 TabIndex = 8 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 7 Left = 0 TabIndex = 9 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 8 Left = 0 TabIndex = 10 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 9 Left = 0 TabIndex = 11 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 10 Left = 0 TabIndex = 12 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 11 Left = 0 TabIndex = 13 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End Begin VB.CommandButton Controll_BTN Height = 480 Index = 12 Left = 0 TabIndex = 14 Top = 0 Width = 1200 End End Attribute VB_Name = "INDI_FRM" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem ====================================================================== Rem Rem == Indicate 3D form StarBowl.EXE Ver 0.04 === Rem Rem ====================================================================== Public PictureMouseModeGlobal As Integer 'it is no-use and old parametor Rem Public 'array is not able to declear public mode-- Dim TestMode(12) As Boolean Public RollMode As Boolean Public SlideMode As Boolean Public CenterMode As Boolean Public MouseModeChangelock As Boolean Option Explicit Public Sub Form_Load() Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To 12 - 1 TestMode(i) = False Next RollMode = True SlideMode = False CenterMode = False MouseModeChangelock = False PictureMouseModeGlobal = 4 With INDI_FRM .Width = 8000 + 2000 .Height = 8000 Rem fW = .Width Rem fH = .Height .Caption = "3D Display" 'StarData" Rem .MinButton = False 'Unable tune from the code inner End With Call BtnCaptionAndFigureBigthInit Call TuneFrame End Sub Public Sub TuneFrame() Dim fW As Integer Dim fH As Integer Dim Wunit As Integer Dim Hunit As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim SquireBigth As Integer With INDI_FRM fW = .Width fH = .Height End With Rem --no ushing this form,StarName_TXT With StarName_TXT .Top = 0 .Left = 0 .Width = fW .Height = fH * (80 / 100) Rem .MultiLine = True 'unable declear on the place .Font.Size = 14 .FontBold = True .ForeColor = RGB(128, 128, 128) Rem .backcolor=spectol tuning .Text = "StarData" .Visible = False ' This form no-using End With With picture1 If fW < fH Then SquireBigth = fW Else SquireBigth = fH End If .Height = SquireBigth .Width = SquireBigth 'Picture1 is always squire-- .Top = 0 .Left = 0 End With Rem With Indi_FRM Wunit = INDI_FRM.Width - picture1.Width Hunit = INDI_FRM.Height / 14 Rem End With With Zoom_VSB .Top = 0 .Left = picture1.Width .Width = Wunit / 8 .Height = picture1.Height End With For i = 0 To 12 - 1 With Controll_BTN(i) .Top = i * Hunit .Left = picture1.Width + Zoom_VSB.Width .Width = Wunit .Height = Hunit End With Next Call ReflexIndexToEachBoolean End Sub Public Sub BtnCaptionAndFigureBigthInit() Dim i As Integer Dim tmpValue As Boolean For i = 0 To 12 - 1 With Controll_BTN(i) tmpValue = False .Font.Size = 8 Select Case i Rem case :.caption="" Case 0: .Caption = "Exit &X" Case 1: .Caption = "EquReset &R" Case 2: .Caption = "GlxReset &G" Case 3: .Caption = "Roll Mode" tmpValue = True Case 4: .Caption = "Slide Mode" Case 5: .Caption = "Center Mode" Case 6: .Caption = "StarGuide &T" tmpValue = True Case 7: .Caption = "DirectionGuide &D" tmpValue = True Case 8: .Caption = "Stella &L" Case 9: .Caption = "Equ Exp &E" tmpValue = True Case 10: .Caption = "GlxExp &Y" tmpValue = True Case 11: .Caption = "StarSize &S" tmpValue = True Rem case :.caption="" Rem case :.caption="" End Select TestMode(i) = tmpValue End With Next Call ReflexIndexToEachBoolean End Sub Public Sub Form_Click() Call TuneFrame End Sub Public Sub Controll_btn_click(CI As Integer) If MouseModeChangelock = False Then Call SubBTNClick(CI) End If End Sub Public Sub SubBTNClick(CI As Integer) 'Ci is as Component Index Dim tmpValue As Boolean Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim BTNtmp 'Component without Declaer-Type Rem ActiveColor = RGB(256, 192, 192)'btn color tuning isnot able to use?? Rem SilentColor = RGB(128, 128, 128) Rem --general action: On click, those mode to oppsite of its own --- If TestMode(CI) = False Then TestMode(CI) = True Else TestMode(CI) = False End If Rem Reset click action makes change each mode If 1 <= CI And CI <= 2 Then For j = 1 To 2 TestMode(j) = False Next TestMode(CI) = True End If Rem Mouse mode click action sure--- If 3 <= CI And CI <= 5 Then For i = 3 To 5 TestMode(i) = False Next TestMode(CI) = True End If Call ReflexIndexToEachBoolean If CI = 0 Then Unload StarBowl_FRM Unload INDI_FRM End If If CI = 1 Or CI = 2 Then Call StarBowl_FRM.ReSet End If End Sub Public Sub ReflexIndexToEachBoolean() Dim L As Integer Dim BTNtmp 'Button array components' instance Dim tmpValue As Boolean For L = 0 To 12 - 1 tmpValue = TestMode(L) Set BTNtmp = Controll_BTN(L) If tmpValue = True Then BTNtmp.Font.Size = 12 Else BTNtmp.Font.Size = 8 End If With StarBowl_FRM Select Case L Case 0 Rem exit Case 1 Rem reset If tmpValue = True Then .OnGalaxyBool = False End If Case 2 Rem GLX Reset If tmpValue = True Then .OnGalaxyBool = True End If Case 3 Rem roll RollMode = tmpValue Case 4 Rem slide SlideMode = tmpValue Case 5 Rem center CenterMode = tmpValue Case 6 Rem guidestar .StarGuideBool = tmpValue Case 7 Rem guidedirect .CenterDirectionGuideBool = tmpValue Case 8 Rem stella .StellaExpressBool = tmpValue Case 9 .EqGuideExpressBool = tmpValue Case 10 Rem guideqlx .GxGuideExpressBool = tmpValue Case 11 Rem starsize .StarExpressBigthBool = tmpValue End Select End With Next End Sub Sub Picture1_MouseDown(key As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) MouseModeChangelock = True 'when mouse is upped then resolved as lock-- With StarBowl_FRM If RollMode = True Then Call .PictureMouseDown(key, shift, x, y) End If If SlideMode = True Then Call .PictureMouseSlideDown(key, shift, x, y) End If If CenterMode = True Then Call .PictureMouseCenter(key, shift, x, y) End If End With End Sub Sub Picture1_MouseUp(key As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) With StarBowl_FRM If RollMode = True Then Call .PictureMouseUp(key, shift, x, y) End If If SlideMode = True Then Call .PictureMouseSlideUp(key, shift, x, y) End If End With MouseModeChangelock = False End Sub Public Sub Picture1_MouseMove(key As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Call StarBowl_FRM.PictureMouseMove(key, shift, x, y) End Sub Public Sub TestOldpicture1_dblclick(key As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) MsgBox vbCr '------test End Sub Public Sub Picture1_click() Call TuneFrame End Sub Public Sub Zoom_VSB_Change() Call StarBowl_FRM.SlideStep_HSB_Change Call StarBowl_FRM.ZoomChange End Sub Rem ====================================================================== Rem Rem == Form Code End === Rem Rem ====================================================================== Rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------